The stabilizing diet starts immediately after the completion of the slimming diet. The main purpose of the Stabilizing Diet is to stabilize your weight after the slimming diet.

During this period, your daily intake will slightly increase to approximately 800 and 1200 calories a day. Your personal Counsellor will adjust your daily diet and continue to monitor your progress in this period.


Calorie Assessment estimates the total calories your body burns in a day. This includes all the calories your body uses in 24 hours.

Once you figure out how many calories your body burns in a day, you should establish a daily calories target based on your goal.

Should you wish to maintain your weight, your target calories will be the total calories that your body burns in a day. If you wish to continue losing weight, your calories target should be less than what your body burns as following:-

To lose 500g/week:   Cut 500 calories/day
To lose 1kg/week:      Cut 1000 calories/day


The calculation relies on a key value known as a MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task). Every activity has its own MET value. Input the MET value into your calories formula to get the calorie burn for a specific activity. As you lose weight, you may want to run the calorie target calculation again, as your calorie needs will have changed.

  • Step 1
    Calculate your weight in kilograms.
  • Step 2
    Look up the MET Value of the activity that you performed. For example, general jogging has a MET value of 7.0.
  • Step 3
    Multiply the MET value by weight in kilograms give you the calories burned for such activity in an hour. For example, if your weight 60 kilograms and perform an activity like general jogging with a MET value of 7.0, this would give you 420 calories burned for such activity in an hour.
  • Step 4
    Multiply the calories burned by the time your performed the activity in hours to get the number of calories you burned. For example, if you perform general jogging for 30 minutes then you would multiply 420 by 0.5 to get 210 calories.
  • Step 5
    Sum up the total calories needed in a day (24 hours) and plan your daily diet accordingly.
Physical Activity MET Hour Spend
(in 24 hours)
Calories Burned
Light Intensity Activities <3
sleeping 0.9
watching television 1.0
writing, desk work, typing 1.5
walking, <2.0 mph, level ground, very slow 2.0
walking, 2.5 mph (4 km/h) 2.9
Moderate Intensity Activities 3 to 6
bicycling, stationary, 50 watts, very light effort 3.0
walking 3.0 mph (4.8 km/h) 3.3
calisthenics, home exercise, light or moderate effort 3.5
walking 3.4 mph (5.5 km/h) 3.6
bicycling, <10 mph, leisure, to work or for pleasure 4.0
bicycling, stationary, 100 watts, light effort 5.5
Vigorous Intensity Activities >6
jogging, general 7.0
push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups 8.0
calisthenics, jumping jacks, vigorous effort 8.0
rope jumping 10.0
Total Calories Burned In A Day


  • Sugar and high-sugar foods are not allowed.
  • Alcohol, artificial drinks and juices are not allowed.


Slowly increase your carbohydrate food intake. Pick any meats and vegetables and cook them the way you like. Add a small portion of fruits and drink plenty of water. Remember to track your calories and weigh yourself daily.


Right after you have completed the 45 days Slimming Diet, your Counsellor will brief you on the Stabilizing Diet and assist you with calculation of your daily calorie target.

Our center will continue to monitor your progress on daily basis throughout the 28 days of Stabilizing Diet. The daily monitoring and reporting is typically done via Wechat, WhatsApp, Viber or Line. The following considerations apply:

  • Daily Measuring
    Every morning before any food is taken, you are requested to measure and record your body weight.
  • The Recording Spreadsheet
    You are required to record your body weight on daily basis for the entire duration of the Stabilizing diet (28 days). The Stabilizing Diet Report is attached further below in this section of this document. You can also obtain an electronic copy of the Stabilizing Diet Report from your Counsellor.
  • Daily Reporting
    Please report your daily body weight reading to your Counsellor. In addition to body weight, you can also comment on how your feel and possible discomfort or complications that you are experiencing.
  • Weekly Consultation (10 minutes)
    Every week, you will have a scheduled 10 minutes communication with your Counsellor to review your progress of the current week.
  • End of Cycle Consultation
    The completion of 28 days Stabilizing Diet is the end of a single RWL cycle. At this time, your RWL Personal Consultant will review the progress you have made and advise you on possible follow up actions.

Click on the “RWL Stabilizing Diet Report” link to download the report that you should use to record your progress for the duration of your RWL Stabilizing Diet.